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Enhancing Soil Health and Crop Yield with Castor De-Oiled Cake from West India Chemical

In the agricultural powerhouse of Gujarat, enhancing soil fertility and optimizing crop yield are pivotal for the sustainability and profitability of farming. Castor de-oiled cake, a byproduct of the castor oil manufacturing process, is emerging as an essential organic fertilizer in this context. West India Chemical, a leading supplier and manufacturer based in Gujarat, specializes in high-quality castor de-oiled cake that boosts soil health and enhances crop productivity. 

Understanding Castor De-Oiled Cake

Castor de-oiled cake is produced after extracting the oil from castor seeds. What remains is a rich, granular substance that is high in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, along with other essential trace elements. This organic residue is not only nutrient-rich but also retains most of the beneficial properties of castor seeds, such as natural pest repellent qualities, without the associated toxicity of raw castor seeds.

Key Applications of Castor De-Oiled Cake

1. Organic Fertilizer: Castor de-oiled cake is an excellent organic fertilizer, providing a balanced nutrient profile that significantly enhances soil fertility. It is particularly effective in enriching the soil with organic matter that improves soil texture, water retention, and aeration.

2. Natural Pest Repellent: Due to the presence of certain compounds that remain after oil extraction, castor de-oiled cake serves as a natural pest repellent. This helps in reducing the reliance on chemical pesticides, promoting a healthier, more sustainable farming practice.

3. Soil Conditioner: It improves the physical properties of soil, the structure, water holding capacity, and aeration, enhancing the root penetration.

4. Nutrient Release: Castor de-oiled cake releases nutrients slowly into the soil, which ensures a steady supply of nutrients to the plants over an extended period, improving the overall health and growth rate of crops.

5. Eco-Friendly Product: Using castor de-oiled cake supports eco-friendly agricultural and gardening practices. It reduces the carbon footprint associated with chemical fertilizers and improves soil health sustainably.

Why Choose West India Chemical for Castor De-Oiled Cake?

Unmatched Quality: At West India Chemical, our castor de-oiled cake is processed with the utmost care to maintain high standards of quality. Rigorous testing ensures that our product is free from any harmful contaminants and retains its nutrient-rich profile.

Tailored Solutions: We understand that different soils and crops may require specific nutrient adjustments. West India Chemical offers customized solutions in castor de-oiled cake to meet the unique requirements of our clients, enhancing its effectiveness and ensuring optimal results.

Strategic Location and Distribution: Located in the heart of Gujarat’s agricultural belt, our facilities are strategically positioned to efficiently distribute castor de-oiled cake across all major farming districts in the state. This ensures timely deliveries to our clients in Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot, and Jamnagar.

Sustainability Commitment: We are committed to sustainable agricultural practices. Our production process for castor de-oiled cake minimizes waste and maximizes the use of natural resources, promoting sustainability at every step of the supply chain.

Expert Support and Service: West India Chemical prides itself on providing not just products but also comprehensive support and service. Our team of agricultural experts is available to guide our clients on the optimal use of castor de-oiled cake for maximum benefit.

Serving Gujarat’s Agricultural Needs

West India Chemical is dedicated to supporting the agricultural sector in Gujarat by supplying high-quality castor de-oiled cake, essential for:

  • Ahmedabad: Known for its diverse agricultural activities.
  • Vadodara: Home to large-scale farming operations.
  • Surat: Notable for its focus on sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Rajkot: A hub for organic farming initiatives.
  • Jamnagar: Engaged in innovative farming techniques.

How to Contact Us

For more information on our castor de-oiled cake or to discuss your specific agricultural needs, please email us at Our dedicated customer service team is eager to provide you with tailored solutions that ensure your farming success.


Castor de-oiled cake from West India Chemical is an invaluable resource for farmers and agriculturists aiming to enhance soil fertility and crop yield in an environmentally friendly manner. With our commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction, trust us to be your preferred supplier of organic fertilizer solutions in Gujarat.

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