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Ethylene Dichloride (EDC): A Key Component in Gujarat’s Industrial Fabric

In the vibrant industrial landscape of Gujarat, Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) stands as a cornerstone for various manufacturing sectors. Recognized for its critical role in the production of PVC and other polymers, EDC's importance spans across applications from construction materials to automotive parts. West India Chemical, as a leading supplier and manufacturer, is at the forefront of providing high-quality EDC, tailored to meet the expansive needs of Gujarat's industries. 

Understanding Ethylene Dichloride (EDC)

Ethylene Dichloride, also known as 1,2-dichloroethane, is a chlorinated hydrocarbon that is colorless, volatile, and has a mild, sweet odor. It is predominantly used as an intermediate in the production of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM), the precursor for polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Beyond its primary use in PVC production, EDC exhibits excellent properties as a solvent and is involved in the manufacture of various chemical compounds.

Key Applications of Ethylene Dichloride Across Industries

1. PVC Production: The primary use of EDC is in the manufacture of PVC, a versatile plastic employed in a vast array of products including pipes, windows, cables, and medical devices. EDC is processed to produce VCM, which is polymerized to form PVC. This application is crucial in Gujarat’s growing infrastructure and real estate sectors.

2. Solvent Applications: EDC serves as a powerful solvent in the textile, automotive, and furniture industries for degreasing, cleaning, and as a component in paint and varnish removers. Its effectiveness in dissolving oils, fats, and waxes supports industrial cleaning processes and surface preparations.

3. Intermediate in Chemical Synthesis: In addition to VCM, EDC is used to produce a variety of other chemical compounds, including solvents and intermediates used in the agricultural chemical industry for producing pesticides and herbicides.

4. Automotive Industry: EDC is involved in the production of automotive parts through its role in PVC manufacturing. PVC is used for vehicle interiors and parts that require durability and resistance to wear and tear.

5. Construction Industry: As a key ingredient in producing PVC, EDC supports the construction industry with materials that are lightweight, durable, and resistant to environmental factors. PVC applications include plumbing, roofing, and electrical insulation.

Why Choose West India Chemical for EDC?

Unparalleled Quality and Purity: West India Chemical is dedicated to delivering EDC that meets the highest standards of quality and purity. Our rigorous quality control processes ensure that our EDC performs consistently, providing reliability in every batch.

Tailored Solutions: We understand that each industry has unique requirements. West India Chemical offers customized EDC solutions, ensuring that our products meet the specific needs of our clients, enhancing their production efficiency and product quality.

Strategic Location: Our facilities are strategically located within Gujarat’s major industrial zones, enabling us to supply EDC efficiently across the state. This ensures timely delivery to major hubs such as Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot, and Jamnagar, optimizing our clients’ operations.

Sustainable Practices: Committed to sustainability, West India Chemical adheres to environmentally responsible practices in the production and distribution of EDC. We strive to minimize our environmental impact while ensuring the safety and health of our communities and stakeholders.

Expert Support: Our team of chemical experts provides comprehensive support, offering technical guidance and consultations to ensure optimal use of EDC in various applications. We help our clients navigate the complexities of handling and integrating EDC into their processes safely and effectively.

Serving Gujarat’s Major Industrial Hubs

West India Chemical is proud to support the diverse industrial fabric of Gujarat by supplying high-quality EDC, essential for:

  • Ahmedabad: Known for its burgeoning construction and textile industries.
  • Vadodara: A key player in chemical manufacturing and automotive production.
  • Surat: Renowned for textiles and chemical processing.
  • Rajkot: Active in manufacturing and automotive parts production.
  • Jamnagar: Home to major petrochemical complexes.

How to Contact Us

For inquiries about our Ethylene Dichloride supply capabilities or to learn how we can assist your business, please email us at Our dedicated team is ready to provide you with industry-leading solutions and services.


Ethylene Dichloride is more than just a chemical; it's a vital element that enhances the efficiency and quality of products across multiple sectors in Gujarat. With West India Chemical, you gain a reliable partner committed to excellence, offering products that propel your operations to new heights. Trust us to be your EDC supplier, ensuring your success through quality, innovation, and sustainability.

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