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Methylene Dichloride (MDC): A Vital Chemical for Gujarat's Thriving Industries

Gujarat, known as the industrial powerhouse of India, is home to a broad spectrum of sectors that contribute significantly to its booming economy. Methylene Dichloride (MDC), also known as Dichloromethane (DCM), plays a pivotal role across various industries, from pharmaceuticals to paint manufacturing. West India Chemical, a premier supplier and manufacturer, offers top-quality MDC tailored to the diverse needs of these industries. 

Understanding Methylene Dichloride (MDC)

Methylene Dichloride is a volatile, colorless liquid with a mildly sweet odor, known chemically as Dichloromethane. With excellent solvent properties, MDC is particularly effective in dissolving a wide range of organic compounds, making it indispensable in many industrial applications. Its ability to evaporate quickly and leave no residue makes it a preferred solvent for many uses.

Key Applications of MDC Across Industries

1. Paint Remover and Degreaser: MDC is extensively used as a paint stripper and degreaser, offering efficient and quick removal of paints and varnishes from surfaces without damaging the underlying material. This application is crucial in the automotive and furniture restoration industries.

2. Pharmaceutical Industry: In the pharmaceutical sector, MDC plays a critical role in the production of drugs, serving as a solvent in the formulation process. It is particularly valued for its effectiveness in extracting specific active ingredients during the synthesis of pharmaceuticals.

3. Adhesive Industry: MDC is used in the adhesive industry to dissolve polycarbonate and other plastics before they are used to produce adhesives. This process ensures a smooth and effective application of adhesives used in various products, including automotive parts and consumer goods.

4. Aerosol Propellant: Due to its volatility, MDC is used as a propellant in aerosols. This application spans across various products, including cosmetics, paint sprays, and cleaning products.

5. Film Base and Photography: MDC is employed in the production of cellulose-based photographic films and sheets. Its properties help ensure the clarity and quality of the film, which is essential in the graphics and printing industries.

6. Food and Beverage Industry: Though less common, MDC is utilized in the food industry as an extraction solvent for flavorings and as a part of the decaffeination process for coffee and tea.

Why Choose West India Chemical for MDC?

Unparalleled Quality and Purity: West India Chemical is committed to providing MDC of the highest purity and quality. Our rigorous quality control measures ensure that our product meets all industrial standards, making it safe and effective for a wide range of applications.

Customized Solutions: Understanding the unique needs of each industry, we offer customized solutions that cater to the specific requirements of our clients. Whether it's adjusting the solvent formulation or providing bulk quantities, we ensure that our MDC solutions are perfectly aligned with our clients' operational needs.

Strategic Distribution Network: Located strategically within Gujarat, our facilities enable us to deliver MDC efficiently across the state to major industrial hubs such as Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot, and Jamnagar. This ensures that our clients receive their chemical supplies promptly, enhancing their production schedules and reducing downtime.

Sustainable Practices: West India Chemical is dedicated to sustainable and environmentally responsible practices. We ensure that the handling and distribution of MDC adhere to the highest standards of environmental safety, minimizing impact and promoting eco-friendly industrial processes.

Expert Support and Technical Assistance: Our team of chemical experts is available to provide in-depth support and consultation, ensuring that our clients can utilize MDC safely and effectively. From handling guidelines to application tips, we provide comprehensive support to maximize efficiency and safety.

Serving Gujarat’s Major Industrial Hubs

West India Chemical is proud to support the diverse industrial sectors of Gujarat by supplying high-quality MDC, enhancing the productivity and efficiency of industries such as:

  • Ahmedabad: A leading center for pharmaceuticals and paint manufacturing.
  • Vadodara: Known for its robust chemical and adhesive industries.
  • Surat: Renowned for its textile and food processing sectors.
  • Rajkot: Central to automotive and manufacturing industries.
  • Jamnagar: Home to extensive petrochemical operations.

How to Contact Us

For more information on our Methylene Dichloride supply capabilities or to discuss your specific requirements, please email us at Our dedicated customer service team is ready to provide you with tailored solutions that meet your industrial needs.


Methylene Dichloride is a critical component in enhancing the operational capabilities and product quality across Gujarat's industries. With West India Chemical, you gain a reliable partner committed to delivering top-tier chemical solutions, expert guidance, and unparalleled customer service. Trust us to be your MDC supplier, ensuring efficiency, compliance, and innovation in all your projects.

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